Mike Pearce appointed Engineering Manager

Mike originally joined Hargreaves in 2015

Mike Pearce appointed Engineering Manager

Written by John Prydderch on September 16th 2022

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We are pleased to announce that Mike Pearce has been appointed the role of Engineering Manager for the Exyte Hargreaves, as part of our ongoing Digital Transformation.

A background in Nuclear Ductwork

A background in Nuclear Ductwork

Mike has been involved in the Nuclear Ductwork Industry since 1989, starting as a coded fabricator welder, before moving into Project Management in 2001. He joined Exyte Hargreaves in July 2015 as a Project Engineering Manager, providing specialist knowledge in relation to the Nuclear Sector and working with the teams on site to develop and work with our new digital ways of working.

Mike will be responsible for driving the Engineering aspects of the business, and will manage the Engineering team directly. He will take responsibility for process management and functional working for Engineers. He will also play a vital role in the implementation and use of our digital engineering solutions.

Are you looking for a new opportunity?

In our 150th anniversary year, Exyte Hargreaves is recruiting now! New roles include a Project Manager role and Quality Lead. To enquire about either role or to request job descriptions please contact Dean Parry at Emeya Recruitment on 01483 343 744 or email dean@emeyarecruit.co.uk.

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