
Safety is one of our core business values at Exyte Hargreaves. We are committed to providing a working environment where everyone goes home safe. All employees receive mandatory and industry-approved Environment, Safety and Health (EHS) training upon induction. Our employee-led EHS Committee continually works to improve standards, delivering refresher training on an annual basis and making reports/recommendations to the leadership team on safety matters.

An impeccable Safety Record

We are very proud of our excellent safety record. We currently have an Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of Zero and have maintained this record for the past 5 years. Our specialist health and safety teams are constantly active around the business. By understanding and relating to the specific activities happening in our offices, on project sites and in our manufacturing facility they can mitigate potential risks and avoid potential incidents before they happen. And when negative outcomes happen, we can apply the learnings quickly to make our business more resilient and always strive for a culture of care.

Incident Free Workplace

We are fully supportive of and committed to Exyte Group’s Incident Free Workplace initiative. Exyte Hargreaves works hard to minimise and prevent injuries, occupational ill health, unnecessary waste and pollution. By overseeing an incident-free workplace we aim to meet the robust global standards of our parent company. Our Senior Leadership Team is responsible for delivering our EHS Policy, monitoring and reviewing performance regularly and seeking continuous improvement.

Leading by Example

Safety is paramount and integral to working life at Exyte Hargreaves. Our leadership team is targeted on meeting regular two-person inspections on projects, office premises and manufacturing facility, as well as our statutory health and safety targets. By ensuring a structured programme of leadership inspections around the business, we can listen to the feedback and concerns of our local teams. This ensures any issues or improvement measures can be quickly and effectively implemented.

Safety is EVERYONE’S Responsibility

Our online eObservation system is available in the office, on site or in the factory to allow a simple reporting mechanism for all employees. Positive and negative observations can be recorded and highlighted in minutes, meaning any issues of potential safety can be remedied before an incident occurs. All employees receive regular safety training and instructions about how to record eObservations to ensure all voices can be heard around our business.

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Uncover Exclusive News from our magazine “1872”

1872 is our online blog and digital magazine. We’ll bring you news and events from around the business, as well as thoughts and opinions on the topics resonating within our industry.