Talking to the Exyte Hargreaves Integrity Icon

Exyte Hargreaves Icon Awards

Written by John Prydderch on January 8th 2024

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In December 2023 we named the first six Hargreaves Icon Award winners. These colleagues were recognised because of their outstanding performance in conjunction with one of our six company values. The Exyte Hargreaves values are Safety, Collaboration, Integrity, Future Focus, Dedication and Excellence.

In the first of a series of interviews we spoke to our Hargreaves Icons about their time in the business. Meet our Exyte Hargreaves Integrity Icon, Security Liaison & Office Administrator, Charley Farmery.

Could you explain who you are what your role is at Exyte Hargreaves?

Could you explain who you are what your role is at Exyte Hargreaves?

I’m Charley Farmery. I am a Security Liaison Officer. My job role is actually a mishmash of a few different things. My main responsibilities include security access, which is dealing with multiple different types of clearances (visitation for people, booking out of hours for people who are working on a project in the evening and on weekends, subcontractor access etc). I am responsible for making sure that everyone who needs to can access site on behalf of Exyte Hargreaves.

I’m also responsible for our onsite logistics as well. Any deliveries coming to and from site, whether that be through different suppliers or from Hargreaves. Alongside that I also do a little bit of supporting admin for the construction site team. I deal with the weekly timesheets for the site team and process things like holiday forms, back to work forms and other bits and bobs. 

Can you tell us about the projects you're working on? 

Can you tell us about the projects you're working on? 

We’ve got quite a sizeable team and we are assisting with the build of a new defence sector facility. I can’t say much but I’ve been here for six years now. There’s been a lot of change since I started, both with the team and on the site itself. 

The team out on the construction site have done an absolutely blinding job. It’s basically progressed from an empty space to rooms filled with ductwork, pipework and thermal insulation. It’s been an interesting six years. 

working for Hargreaves

What do you enjoy most about working for Hargreaves? And what are you most proud of?

I’d say wholeheartedly that my highlight for working with Hargreaves is definitely my team. I’ve got a really fantastic support network around me and to be honest with you, without the team that I have, my job wouldn’t be possible. We all work really well together. We all gel as a team. The people around me are fantastic. We’ve all seen a lot and been through a lot over the last few years, especially during the dreaded COVID year. And we all came out the other side of it a stronger team.

I’ve learned so much since I’ve been here. I came into the project not really knowing anything about construction at all. I’ve learnt a hell of a lot from multiple different departments. It sounds a little cheesy, but I’ve grown as a person, so my confidence has skyrocketed since I’ve been working with this team, and my belief in myself and my resilience have certainly come out on top as well. I feel like I’ve definitely grown both professionally and personally since I’ve been working with Hargreaves. 

working on site

What's it like working on site for most of the week?

I’m quite lucky because I live 15 minutes away from site, so I’m blessed that I can just pop home from work. The rest of the team is based away from home. Honestly, I don’t know how they do it! But being around each other makes it more bearable. We’ve all built relationships with each other, it’s almost like having a home from home once everyone gets to know each other. Even when new members of the team start everybody gels so quickly. I think because everybody makes the effort to work well with each other. It’s like a mini family which I think is definitely what’s needed down here just to keep people sane while they’re working away from home. We definitely couldn’t do it without each other’s support. 

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what kind of work you’ve done before Hargreaves?

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what kind of work you’ve done before Hargreaves?

Before Hargreaves, I worked with MITIE on the same site, so I’ve been on site for 8 ½ years now, which is quite a lengthy amount of time. It’s unbelievable how quickly it’s gone. Before that I worked in retail. So, this is actually my first construction site that I’ve ever worked on, which was as you can imagine, was quite an eye opener when I first stepped foot on here. But it’s been one hell of an experience and like I say, the amount that I’ve learnt from being on this one construction site I can carry over the years to come for different projects going forward. 

And I would say that working with Hargreaves has been the best job I’ve had so far, hence why I’ve stayed for six years. I can see me being with Hargreaves for many years to come. Mainly because of the people. 

What do you enjoy doing outside work?

What do you enjoy doing outside work?

Outside work I’m actually quite a boring person. I don’t really have many hobbies other than seeing friends and family. Myself and my partner recently started bouldering, which is essentially indoor climbing without any harnesses or rope. It’s not quite as dangerous as it sounds, but it is definitely a bit more of a thrill than if you had a harness on. I enjoy watching films and listening to music too.

How does it feel to win the Integrity Icon Award?

I am very proud and humbled. I didn’t expect it at all. I feel very appreciated and it's nice to know that what I do on a daily basis doesn’t go missed.

Charley Farmery

Security Liaison & Office Administrator

Could you be our next Hargreaves Icon?

We pride a commitment to Safety, Collaboration, Future Focus, Integrity, Excellence and Dedication. If you share our values then perhaps a career at Exyte Hargreaves is in your future.  View our latest vacancies on our Careers website.


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