Can you introduce yourselves on what your roles are at Exyte Hargreaves?
Yep. I’m Robert Davis and I’m the Digital Innovation Manager. That means I analyse existing processes and look at software and technology to develop them into digitalised processes.
I’m Wesley Kennedy. I am a Digital Engineering Technician. I’m currently learning about the company, trying to see what it’s about and what I can become.
I’m Zain Shazhad. Also a Digital Engineering Technician working at Exyte Hargreaves.
Zain, why did you want to do an apprenticeship?
I just think it was a perfect fit for me. Better than a university, as I can get experience on the job as well as to get paid.
Wes, have you heard about Hargreaves before you applied?
I haven’t. I didn’t know.
And what made you choose Hargreaves?
Just information about it, what it was, how big of a company, whether what they do for your training and yeah.
Rob, as a former apprentice, what is it like now managing your apprentices?
I think it’s really exciting. I think going through that process has allowed me to see where it could improve and I try and improve on the people that taught me my apprenticeship and I hope I’m doing a really good job at it.
Zain, what are you most enjoying about your apprenticeship so far?
I think working as a team, I think we’re a really good team and working on new applications and modelling and stuff.
Wes, is there anything that you want to achieve during your apprenticeship or anything that you achieved so far?
Right now, I feel like I’ve achieved being able to work in a team. Never used to be able to be that good at it. So I’ve went on to do that, like achieving at the minute I just want to pass my college course, being able to do all that stuff and figure out what I want to do.
Rob, given the technical skill set required for BIM, is it important to look at young professional candidates?
Yeah, because it’s an up and coming industry, it’s been around for a while, but because it’s early stages of adoption, I think there’s a lot of people out there that have the sort of skills to be a good BIM Technician, BIM Coordinator, but they don’t realise it yet. And I think taking somebody young as an apprentice can help develop them into a specialised professional.

BIM Model
All of you now. What would you do if you found a Penguin stuck in your freezer? What are you doing? What’s your reaction?
(Rob) Is he alive or dead?
(Interviewer) Probably alive.
(Wes) I’d fill my living room with ice so then he could live with me.
(Interviewer) Like Mr Popper Penguins?
(Wes) Like Mr Popper Penguins.
(Rob) I’d make him watch Happy Feet.
(Interviewer) Feel like it’s home with his family.
(Rob) Exactly.
(Zain) I’d probably feed him because he’s starving!
Zain, what is Rob like as a boss?
Rob’s an amazing person, to be honest. He’s really helpful. He supports us whenever we need to. He just throws in a deep end sometimes. But I think that helps us grow.

Digital Team
Wes, what’s it like working as part of the digital innovation team?
Working in Digital Innovation team, it’s great having the whole team there, being able to speak with IT at the same time, simultaneously having Mark (Naylor – Head of Digital Innovation) as a director is great. He’s very supportive, very helpful with what you want to do. Rob throws us in the deep end, but it’s always to help us progress in what we want to do to get better and have better independence.
Rob, how do you think you’ve changed since completing your apprenticeship?
It’s a tough question. Yeah, Well, you’ve been managing now. Yeah, I think mainly it’s just the confidence that’s developed. I was always quite shy kid, quite quiet coming into Hargreaves. It was like a a small fish in a big pond. I’d say now I’m a medium fish in a big pond. I quite like the change. I think I’ve developed as a person quite a lot and develop every day really.
What would you woke up and there was just £1,000,000 laying on your bed?
(Rob) Buying a car. Porsche GT3 Rs.
(Wes) I’d get a wide body MR2 Liberty Walk.
(Zain) Probably get a financial advisor So don’t blow it all.
Because MR2 they don’t cost that much by us.
If you could be a fly in a wall, what would you listen in on?
(Rob) I’d love to be a fly in the wall in the Man City changing rooms at half time. I think what what he (Pep Guardiola) always does is a wizard and he must say some things. And I would love to see what he does to his players at half times. He G’s them up when we come out fighting fit.
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