Fundraising for Remembrance Day exceeds target

Carol Vaughan raises over £1,200 for the Royal British Legion

Fundraising for Remembrance Day

Written by John Prydderch on November 11th 2022

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Carol Vaughan, from our project team, has raised an astonishing £1,200 in support of the Royal British Legion this Remembrance Day. Carol has been crocheting poppies for several months and selling her products to colleagues and clients. Her incredible total is still rising as we speak.

The Royal British Legion

Her first fundraising campaign

Back in 2019, Carol set up her first campaign to raise money for The Royal British Legion by selling crocheted poppies. Her aim was to make 100 and raise £250. She ended up selling around 300 poppies, a bespoke tea cosy and a couple of tiny woolly hats with bobbly beards. She raised £960. Back then her stock was sold from a plastic shoebox.

Red Poppy, Black Poppy, White Poppy, Purple Poppy

Poppies for 2022

This year, hoping to claw back some of the Covid deficit by making more poppies and improving the variety. She began with a target of £1,000, but quickly reached it. After upping the target to £1,130 she aimed to match her total raised over the previous 3 years.  Again, she beat her target.

Exyte Hargreaves have provided support throughout Carol’s campaign. With the help of other contractors at site, Carol has pushed sales in the canteen which made a huge difference to the donations received. She says it was very touching to see so many site workers with a crocheted poppy pinned to the strapping over their helmets.

How Carol made her Poppies

Carol made a her poppies in many colours:

  • Red poppy: Memorial to World War One and following conflicts
  • Purple poppy: To remember animal victims of war
  • Black poppy: Remembering African, black and Caribbean communities’ contribution
  • White poppy: Remembers people who died in conflict with a focus on an end to war

Donate to Carol's Royal British Legion appeal

You can donate to Carol’s fundraising appeal this Remembrance Day by following her donation link.


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