A successful factory Pressure Test

Written by John Prydderch on March 20th 2024
Last week our Manufacturing team completed a successful pressure test for one of our key Energy & Decommissioning sector clients. It is a core part of our manufacturing and quality control procedures through our commitment to ‘Right First Time’ product delivery in our factory.
Pressure testing is an important part of Inspection & Test Plans (ITP’s) for many of our clients. At Exyte Hargreaves, we test a certain percentage of our ductwork to ensure they hold the required amount of pressure or to determine potential leakage. Since our specialist HVAC systems must perform their function in a variety of safety critical facilities, the performance of our products in these tests is paramount.
Pressure testing normally happens by using bespoke kit. However, the leading products on the market can only calculate pressure up to a maximum of 2,000 pascals. Conversely, Exyte Hargreaves products are required to perform at up to 6,000 pascals for our high integrity ductwork.
When conducting pressure testing in our Manufacturing facility an area of the factory is sectioned off to maintain the correct ambient temperature. Our clients attend the test in our factory to witness the results. Depending on the internal environment, a test typically takes up to 30 minutes to complete.
We perform two main types of test at Exyte Hargreaves – Pressure Tests and Leak Tests:
A Successful Pressure Test!
The Manufacturing, Project and Quality Teams were delighted to have our clients on site to witness this successful pressure test. Product quality and assurance is a vital part of Exyte Hargreaves' process in delivering specialist HVAC systems from concept to commissioning. We are committed to delivering a 'Right First Time' approach on all our HVAC projects.
Jordan Birtwistle
Production Manager
Talk to our Business Development team about supporting your next project in the Energy, Defence, Transport sectors or for other high tech facilities. Visit our Manufacturing page to understand our approach in the factory including DFMA and automation.
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