Apprentice Diaries

Written by Oliver Muscat on October 16th 2023
Apprentice Diaries
Hello! My name is Oliver Muscat and I’m a Marketing Assistant Apprentice at Exyte Hargreaves. This is the start of my 2-year training and apprenticeship scheme. I have learned more in the first three weeks than I had anticipated, constantly doing something different and discovering something new! I’m glad I joined whilst the business is very busy because I can adapt quicker and to be a part of the new changes. I have met a large majority of the workforce and growing relations with my colleagues. Everyone has treated me with respect and like I was already there for years, and they are always willing to help with anything. From what I have experienced so far, Hargreaves is a positive and relaxed workplace where everyone works effectively towards the company’s goal of further growth and expansion. I am here to learn and to support the ongoing success of Hargreaves.
I will be writing up articles for our Intranet site (called the HiP), creating LinkedIn posts, undertaking market research, supporting marketing campaigns, and monitoring our social networks. There’s also the opportunity to do photography, software design work and much more as part of my apprenticeship. My line manager, John Prydderch (our Head of Marketing & Communications) has been respectful, welcoming, and guided me through my first two weeks. He’s providing me with productive tasks, integrating me straight away, attending meetings and educating me about Hargreaves.
My apprenticeship course started on the 28th September 2023 and I am looking forward to the 1.5 years learning more about the Marketing profession and what I can contribute to Hargreaves. I recently finished a business course that will benefit my learning on this apprenticeship.
"One thing I like to do outside of Hargreaves is playing guitar (electric and acoustic) since I was 14. I also play piano/keyboard and bass. Some bands/artists I enjoy listening to and playing are Oasis, Kanye West, Mötley Crüe, Van Halen, Future, Korn and Carti. Another interest of mine is football and I started playing at 6 through a vary of clubs until 16. I do support Manchester United but right now they are difficult to watch."
Oliver Muscat
Marketing Apprentice
We are tracking the journey of myself and the other apprentices throughout the weeks so make sure you look out for the upcoming stories. For further information about careers and apprenticeships at Exyte Hargreaves, please visit our Careers section.
1872 is our online blog and digital magazine. We’ll bring you news and events from around the business, as well as thoughts and opinions on the topics resonating within our industry.